We tend to focus only on celebrating special occasions, birthdays, holidays, anniversaries etc. However there are many little moments of joy in every day if we slow down enough to look for them. Some of my favorites are watching the sun rise (not every day as it's early) greeting my cats in the morning, they are always so happy to see me & greet me with love, even if it's only because I'm about to feed them! An unexpected visit from my son, seeing a beautiful spiders web covered in the early morning dew. Putting on a new dress, the first sip of tea (or coffee) someone appreciating my classes & telling me how they have been helped by them, watching a thunderstorm (from inside) as they are pretty awesome.
You get the picture, there are many little moments to appreciate & celebrate everyday, what are some of yours? Write them down, tell someone, it will make you smile as you realize how fortunate we are to live in the moment & celebrate it.
For awhile I had a 102 year old lady in my yoga class, yes you did read that number correctly 102! She rode the stationary bike every day, even if she nodded off on it occasionally, she told me many of her memories of living in Waterford CT before cars & roads as we know them, there were horse drawn carriages. How amazing to have lived through so many changes. She told me how when she wakes up each morning she says out loud "Oh, I'm still here, now what shall I do today?"
How amazing, I often forget to live like this, I woke up, now what shall I do today? What will you do today?